Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Debating ideas

Hello again my friends, 

I feel like I have a serious case of writers block, I started this blog so I can get in touch with my creative side and start writing again which is something that I love to do. However my brain keeps rolling through 3 or 4 ideas for posts, I feel like I should start with a little about me, or I should just delve into the things I have on my mind and fit in bits and pieces about me as they are relevant. What do you think? If anyone has tried to start following his blog let me know what you want to hear about and I will try to get to what I can. At this point the different ideas keep rolling into each other so when I try to start on one of them the others bump into it, some could probably fit in with each other, but others do not really correlate with each other. Anyway, I hope to be able to get past it and figure out where to begin, as I said I would love to hear ideas from anyone who has read my first post. 

Thank you, 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

I decided.

So today I decided to start my blog, I have thought about doing this for a while now, but fear of others opinions, criticism, or someone taking offense to it has stopped me. In a time where everyone is offended by just about everything I figured it is time to forget about potentially upsetting one person and starting to write again. Growing up I wrote all the time, poetry, stories, whatever popped up into my head came out on paper, sometimes it was nonsense and other times it was good. Over the years I have tried to start again, but I had someone in my life tell me writing was a waste of time and was never going to turn into a career. Yeah, I was more interested in not upsetting people back then to, so I gave it up. So as I keep up with my blog, I will share stories, memories, opinions, I would even be happy to answer questions from people who stop and take time read this. I promise you I am not an expert on anything, but I will be nothing but honest in the opinions that I give here.
Other than a bit of info on why I wanted to start this blog I am undecided on how to really begin, this is my place to put my thoughts, opinions, share stories, rant, or just to write.


Disclaimer: If you are family by blood or marriage, read at your own risk!! If you do not like what I have had to say then talk to ME not the rest of the world or the rest of my family. Thanks!