Thursday, September 24, 2015

I decided.

So today I decided to start my blog, I have thought about doing this for a while now, but fear of others opinions, criticism, or someone taking offense to it has stopped me. In a time where everyone is offended by just about everything I figured it is time to forget about potentially upsetting one person and starting to write again. Growing up I wrote all the time, poetry, stories, whatever popped up into my head came out on paper, sometimes it was nonsense and other times it was good. Over the years I have tried to start again, but I had someone in my life tell me writing was a waste of time and was never going to turn into a career. Yeah, I was more interested in not upsetting people back then to, so I gave it up. So as I keep up with my blog, I will share stories, memories, opinions, I would even be happy to answer questions from people who stop and take time read this. I promise you I am not an expert on anything, but I will be nothing but honest in the opinions that I give here.
Other than a bit of info on why I wanted to start this blog I am undecided on how to really begin, this is my place to put my thoughts, opinions, share stories, rant, or just to write.


Disclaimer: If you are family by blood or marriage, read at your own risk!! If you do not like what I have had to say then talk to ME not the rest of the world or the rest of my family. Thanks!

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