Sunday, October 11, 2015


Today my post is about being grateful, so many people forget these days that they should have plenty to be grateful for, however, most of them let negative rule their days. I am totally guilty of this! Some days there are so many negative things that present themselves and it is hard to look past them and find something to be grateful for. I had found myself in one of those places these last few days, and it has been hard to find those things to feel good about, now most of you who actually know me know that I am a Mom and my daughter is my one thing I am grateful for everyday, she is my angel, my rock and the love of my life. Not to sound like a negative Nancy here, but sometimes you look past what you know makes you grateful and look for something new, something beyond the usual things, and that is okay.
The reason I am posting about being grateful, is because I am not only grateful for my daughter, but I am grateful for so many of my friends, out of the blue of my daughters friends Mom, (who is also my friend) asked me if M wanted some jeans that her daughter had grown out of, they were like new and if they fit M she could have them. I of course offered to pay for them, but she refused. To my surprise, these jeans looked like they had just come off the shelf, and they are some of the name brands I know I could not afford right now. The statement of a "few pairs" made me think of 4 or 5 maybe, and I was so happy about that. I was shocked to see a large paper Macy's bag sitting on my porch, that was almost full to the top, every single pair fit M perfectly.
Once the fashion show was over, I was overjoyed with the gift, and posted my elation on FB to share how blessed and grateful I was for the jeans. So many of my friends were happy for us and showed their support for my happy moment, which in turn made me even more grateful. In my post I stated that now all I needed to get her was a few more shirts and some shoes, a few more of our friends offered her some shoes they bought that didn't end up fitting, and some shirts their daughter didn't wear. I couldn't believe what was happening, I certainly didn't ask for help, I didn't mean for people to give her things, I am not the type of person who asks for help, or to give to much information on what is going on in my current life. I will share my stories of my past to help others if it is relevant to them and what they are going through, but as far as what is current I very rarely say much about it.
The outpouring of love and help from all of our friends was needless to say overwhelming, because I was just now able to return to work last week, so in the school clothes department, I was unable to get her a lot of things, but enough to get her started. She has 2 pairs of jeans that fit her still until the others came along, and had a few good shirts to get her through, she had one pair of shoes to get her started but they are canvas and already wearing out. I am usually the one who helps others, volunteers my time to work with kids, to sit with someone and listen to what they have to say no matter what it is and keep their secrets safe, I am not the one who asks for help, who accepts help easily, or wants to look weak to others ever, but in this grateful moment in my life, I cried over these gifts from people who we call friends. It may seem silly to cry over clothes, but if you remember what I said about being in a place where I was having a hard time finding things to be grateful for, this gift of kindness from them, not only gave me something to be over the moon grateful for, they help remove one of the things that has been weighing on me for a while.

Sometimes it is a small gesture, that gives a person the one thing they need the most.

If any of my friends do read this, please remember to find your grateful moment in each and everyday, even if it is the one thing you are grateful for everyday.

Much Love,

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